Intellectual Outputs

The document will contain the best practices exchanged and shared among partners to improve students’ psychological well-being and quality of life and provide them with skills in order to monitor and manage their level of mental wellbeing. Also, strategies to involve parents/family members in the process of the mental wellbeing improvement of students will be collected, in order to actively involve them as supportive actors of this process. Thus the document will provide effective and evidence-based examples of life skills development and addressing students’ wellbeing management. A best practice may be a particular method, or it may be a whole program or intervention. As best practice will be considered practices that have been found to be successful in accomplishing their goals, and that can be used or adapted to the project products to be developed.
The goal of the collection will be to provide the ground for the development of IO3 and IO4.

A manual providing guidelines for wellbeing management in school settings will be produced as a support tool for teachers providing them with the methodology to manage the mental wellbeing of their students in the classroom and apply the most suitable strategies to ensure a supportive participation of parents, as well as to implement the programme addressing secondary school students for the development of the skills related to wellbeing management with the support of multimedia resources.
The document will be a practical guide developed on the basis of the results emerged from the research on best practices and the needs analysis.
The manual will be downloadable through the project platform and will be also available in printed version.

The good practices collected in the research phase will be adapted and shaped in a programme supported by multimedia resources. These will include interactive exercises, videos, apps. The aim is to provide teachers and students with user-friendly tools to use in the classroom that are more attractive for young people. The multimedia material will mainly focus on the following topics:
- effective communication
- problem solving
- self awareness
By improving these skills students will be able to communicate pleasant and unpleasant feelings effectively, use problem solving strategies for practical and personal problems, including anger management, control of and reaction to aggressive behavior.

The App

The App is one of the educational tools created during the project, that will be used as homework and assessment of learning objectives by the target group – it is an online resource to work with the students.

The students can inscribe in the App (necessary information: name and age) and can start the on line educational training after choosing among the following eight topics:

  • Decision Making
  • How to cope with anger and aggressiveness?
  • Stress management
  • Self esteem and self awarness
  • Collaboration and team work skills
  • Empathy
  • Communication skill
  • Conflict Resolution

They can learn more about these topics (through textual materials and videos) and then they can assess their level of skills through the exercices.

Click here to access to the App  


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