Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences (VIKO) is the largest accredited higher professional education institution in Lithuania.
Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences provides higher professional education in the sectors of Tourism, Business, Information Technologies, Electronics, Pedagogical Education, Economy, Health Care, Agriculture and Arts.
Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences has 7 500 students, who study here under 48 study programmes in 7 faculties: Electronics and Informatics, Economics, Business Management, Health Care, Pedagogic, Arts and Creative Technologies and Agro-technologies. The duration of full-time studies are 3, 3,5 or 4 years and extramural – 4 or 4,5 years. Apart from basic studies short-time refresher courses are offered. Every year the study programmes are being revised to respond to current social and economic requirements of labor market, the society needs.
Website: www.viko.lt